Friday, May 15, 2020

Hamburger Adventure with Kale and Parsley

So many ways to prepare ground beef.  The most common ones are the old time favorite Hamburger.  But have you tried them with chopped kale and parsley in them?  I've already tried with chopped parsley in the previous blog.  This time I added chopped kale and parsley.  It turned out great.  You can serve them between hamburger buns or serve them next to your favorite rice and thread cut cabbage with TONKATSU sauce.
Wash the Kale bunch in salt water.  Chop away the first 2 inches of stems.
Chop all the stems to smallest possible sizes and chop leaves fine.
Wash the parsley bunch in salt water.   Swim them around to make sure to wash out loose debris caught in them.
Normally I would use all the stems from the Kale or parsley, but to shorten the time to cook them to tender, either chop them fine or remove the stems (if you wish).
Add chopped vegetables into 1/3 lb of Organic ground beef.
Mix with your favorite salt.  You can add Tajin, cayenne, Chili Flakes, etc.
Add a bit of Vermouth Wine.  Form gently into patties.  Do Not Press tight.
Place in hot skillet.  Cover.
 In a separate skillet, make Kale fried rice.
 Cover the the hamburger and cook one side for 5 min. until bubbly.  Flip
 Cook until your preferred likeness of the burger.  I like mine well done.
 Serve with Rice and thin thread sliced cabbage as posted previously in the blog or serve with your favorite side dish.  The TONKATSU sauce is always good with Hamburger steak like this served with rice.

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