Thursday, August 11, 2011

Whisker Nav Boe-Bot Project

Sometimes, you need a break from the world of the kitchen and spend some time to explore other potentials in the kitchen. So I did just that during the summer semester. My time was spent immersing myself n the "Introduction to the Robotics" class at the ARC, Sacramento. I spent hours and hours programming the Boe-Bot for the future world of modern kitchen. Naaa... not quite, but it is true that I spent many hours programming because I am not a programmer!! I just couldn't let the opportunity pass either, so I pressed on. It was well worth it. It's 21st century and our 'modern' kitchen is no where close to the Jetson Family style of living. I want to make sure that I take a step toward that progress. While this "Tactile Navigation Boe-Bot" does not take food order or deliver food to your table, understanding the principle of electronics and programming helps me to vision how I would like my virtual kitchen or the restaurant to be. This particular Whisker Boe-Bot will move forward and change its direction when the wire whiskers get in contact with an object. Then, at the end, it makes 360 degree circle and sing a song and stops. The other Boe-Bot projects included singing robot, remote control robot, (and Ping Boe-Bot.) I am hoping for some free time to build the Ping Boe-Bot, as it will have two "sight" scopes that act as "eyes".

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Flying July

I have not forgotten to post new adventures for July.  I had so much activities going on with my Robotic class final exam and vacation with my grandchildren that I have to rest a bit and do some more YOGA to energize.  I will be back in a couple of days, if not sooner.
  Cheers!  Enjoy the wonderful summer.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pilaf and Risotto

You have probably seen it and tasted the Pilaf and Risotto.  I've seen it and heard it and never paid attention or have the desire to taste it until just recently.  A bit of exposure in my culinary adventure have exposed me to many - I mean many possibilities that I can add to my diet and health.   I've watched some food challenger's shows and heard judges commenting on the challenger's Risotto, for example, and complaining how terrible it is, etc.  I was wondering what in the world is that? soupy sticky or fluffy rice with grated cheese?...... Now, they are part of my take-to-work OBENTO.  No more plain carbohydrate - white rice.  They are prepared with varieties of grains.  To start with these two are my results.  I hope you have fun trying something new with grains in your diet, too.
Barley Pilaf  - a bit soupy, maybe, but  I love the bite-in texture of barley with flavorful taste added from the homemade chicken stock I used.
Arborio Milanese.  While I added very little of grated Parmesano, it tasted plenty with a tablespoon of it.  & I will use white pepper the next time.

Chicken Caciattori - the Flop

I enjoyed the chicken caciattori the other day that I wanted to try this myself at home.  I wanted to impress my mother and sister who were coming to visit.  Everything went well, ...naaaa.... Flop! murphy's law - I burnt the chicken skin that it left 'burnt' taste to the sauce and all.  In trying to save this dish, after 3 hours of cooking it,  it turned into a skinless chicken caciattori.   Lesson learned - use your instinct and sear the chicken with regular cooking oil.

Green Beans with Balsalmic Vinaigrette

Fresh Green Beans were just beckoning me to buy, and I couldn't pass it by.  But what am I going to make this time?  Stir fry again?  what about the combination of stir fry and turn it into salad?
Wash, deveined, and cut into equal pieces, and blanch the green beans.
 Saute the green beans quickly in virgin olive oil with minced garlics and onions to heat through and sweat.
Remove from heat and cool for 5 minutes.    Prepare vinaigrette - mix extra light virgin oil and balsalmic vinegar, salt and freshly grounded pepper to taste.  Toss.  Serve - warm or cold.
 I made Pomme Duchesse and enjoyed another new method of potato cooking.