Monday, October 08, 2018


I don't know why I left all this blog unattended.  I uploaded the pictures, but did not complete the story.  This one is about spring Tulips.  I was hoping for more Yellow and Purple Tulips to show up, but most of them were Red.

These are the blossoms from the AVOCADO plant/tree.  I was also successful in growing the Avocado tree from the seed.  I had to keep the tree warm in the winter with make shift hot house.  Wrapped the holiday rope lights around the tree to keep from frost.  And it was a good idea because it survived, and it grew AVOCADO!! in one and half year period.

Thank you, Mr. Bee.

Polly's Quick Fried Donuts

Some quick fried donuts to enjoy.
1 cup of flour, 1 Tbsp of yeast.
1 tsp Vanilla paste or extract. 1 tsp sugar.
Some milk 1/3 and some to form into thick batter.  Add more milk to form into thick batter.
2 Cups of cooking oil - Avocado Oil; Olive Oil
Mix. Cover and Let Rise.
Prepare Cinnamon Sugar in a large zip lock freezer bag. - 1/2 C sugar, 1 tsp Ceylon Ground Cinnamon.

After mixing all ingredients.  Cover and let rise until double in size.
Transfer the batter into Cake Decoration tube or just use a spoon to drop a 1/2 Tablespoonful to heated cooking oil - 315F - 325F.
I am using a pair of scissors to cut the dough.  Totally optional.  You can unsqueeze the bag and tilt the head up to stop the dough from woozing out further.
See?  the shape doesn't matter.

Let them cool a bit.  Drop them into Sugar Cinnamon bag.  Shake to coat.   Serve.

My Hamburger Steaks with Curly Parsley and Cilantro

If you ever wonder how to include curly parsley into your diet, here is one simple way.
Get a pound of Organic ground beef, wash and chop up Curly Parsley, Cilantro, and Onions; Some salt and peppers and any other seasonings you like.
Make into Large dinner size patties and fry.  Even better, if you have a George Foreman's Grill, grill the hamburger.

Serve over cooked Basmati rice and sauce of your choice. I like to use TONKATSU sauce.   That is also the reason why I use salt sparingly in mixing with the ground beef.  Condiment sauce(s) has plenty of sodium to flavor my Hamburger Steaks.
I really like the Extra Long Basmati rice - contrary to short grain, I gain no weight after I eat a large portion of it.