Monday, August 02, 2010


In previous blog on Lotus, I was curious why the three seeds in the pods remained green and soft and all others became round and with hard shell. Out of curiosity I took one of the seed out of its condo and planted in the shallow muddy lotus pot. I also planted 7 other seeds that have formed rather thick shells. What I didn't know and learned from other Lotus green thumbs on the Internet is that the outer shell of the Lotus seed can become hard enough to store and keep itself safe for hundreds of years. Well, I didn't want to wait for hundreds of years, and I didn't want to use any sulphuric acid to burn the shell. So, I took the opportunity of having this fresh Lotus seeds on hand and planted them. But I also learned that there is the dimple and nipple of the seed. I planted them upside down. The dimple -- the end that was attached to the pod is suppose to face upward. And I also learned that the success of one lady - within 48 hours of making a incision to the her lotus seeds with hard shell, the lotus seeds germinated successfully. So, I decided to dig all of them out of the mud pot and proceeded to remove the shells. Luckily, my Lotus seeds are quite fresh and water has also softened it a bit. I used a serrated knife and with a sawing motion, I carefully made a 2 milimeter slit mark. Then, I carefully peeled the shell off with the fingernail. Voila. The beautiful seed is exposed. I proceeded to peel the 'green' seed that I took from the same pod as others that I was curious why 'the three' didn't become brownish. Surprise, there is no seed in the shell. Now, all seeds are in a dish with water. Let's see if they will germinate.  (Click on the image to enlarge to view notes on them.)
PINK LADY's Seeds:
 Lavender Lady's seed is very small.  About 1 cm long.
 Let's see if they will germinate -- if they do, I will need a huge pond!!

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Sunday, August 01, 2010


This is the photo journal of my lotus - Pink Lips. It's the largest lotus in my garden. I noticed some YOGA poses in these Lotus, and I had fun finding some of them. The Pink Lips blossom life lasts about 5 days.  It awakes in the morning and sleeps at dusk. It opens and stretches and its leaves open up like Radiant Warrior. I think this one website I found describes the symbolisms of the casualty of the spiritual life in "The Lotus Blossom" interestingly.
This PINK LIPS blossom story started in May 2010.
I hope you enjoy this break from the kitchen or work.
One early morning in May, right when I was ready for work, I decided to peek out the patio door to check on my garden.  There it is.  The first (2010) Pink LIPS has made it's appearance.
Remembering the first blossom after its first planting in the spring of 2009, I missed its 1st beautiful blossom appearance.  I knew it was going to bloom, but I didn't know when.  I left Friday night and by the time I returned on Sunday, the blossom is at it's peak.  Two more days later, it was gone.  The lotus has a incense like fragrance.  This year, I carefully scheduled and enjoyed its daily blossom and its farewell.
(Double click on image to enlarge image and to view notation of YOGA poses I found.)
NAMASTE. . . .I think it's time for my real YOGA practice.

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AKATOMBO - Red Dragonfly

Today is Sunday, but I had to work till noon. Upon my return, as I gazed out of my patio door, I noticed a red dragonfly. It's not unusual to see dragonfly in my backyard, blue, black, violet... but this one just so happen to land on the bamboo garden stick. Kind of reminded me of Japan. This one seems to be more...burnt orangish in color. "AKA" means Red and "TOMBO" meand dragon fly. Even though it's orangish looking, I call it AKATOMBO.
I hope you enjoy it, too.
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