Saturday, October 22, 2016

Homemade BISCOFF

We fell in love with this BISCOFF biscuits served on American Airline during our trip to DC.
I studied the package's ingredients, then found a couple of credible recipes to try.  This one turned out quite delicious and more flavorful than the real ones.  
The recipe I used is found at (I think...I will have to double check.). The best part of it is that there is no eggs involved.
 It is so much tastier than the ones sold at the COSTCO.  I am not sure why, exactly because the package being sold at the COSTCO is the same one as the ones distributed during the flight.  Comparing it to the San Francisco's Fisherman's Warf's BICSCOFF shop's, the ones sold at the COSTCO tasted a bit off ...  too much sugar and not enough spice??
This recipe is found at this and I really like the taste.

 I am sure I have a bar cookie cutter somewhere, but for this tasting, cutting with sharp knife and rounding it off the edge a bit would just do the job.
 Hmm... not very uniform...
 Okay, so it expands.   For next time, I need to slice it into an 1/2 inch bar.

 Ready for delivery in my new àplat tote bag by   It's a very stylish tote bag that comes in various size to carry 13x9 cake pan or pie pan, etc.

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