Thursday, May 16, 2019

Homebaked Madeleines

Madeleines are one of cookies that many people really enjoy eating - that is most of the time purchased from COSTCO in this clear plastic box and individually wrapped.  After purchasing them year after year during the holiday season, I finally gave it a try baking in the madeleine mold that I had stored away for a long time.  The recipe ingredients are very simple, but its all about the technique one might say.  So, if you want a fine crumb madeleine, beat the butter in room temperature until pale yellow instead of melted butter.

A perfect egg shaped scoop for the job.

Wow! done.
Got to learn to take them out quick to prevent peeling

Very light.
Extra doughs went in the cupcake molds.  I wonder why they don't make Madeleine molds with 24 cups.
Very good with a cup of milk.

Flower Adventure

2019 has been a great adventure in finding all kinds of flowers.
This is one of the Giant Lily cutting in the Monther's Day bouquet.  The fragrance is too strong for indoor.  It's much happier outdoor.   It's so beautiful.  When it first opened, the Stigma is like shiny marble.  A few days later, it got all kinds of pollen stuck to it.
This is my mom's Orchid.  It  is very productive this year because of rain.  It close to 40 some years old.

From Mother's Day bouquet.

This one looks like Moonlight Cereus, but it's not.  It is flowering during day time.
KIKU in Mother's Day bouquet.  I wish I can grow them.  I tried to a couple of times, but without luck.
This is morning ... something.
This is PEONY... used Galaxy S10+'s camera trick.
More Peony

My pink rose.

Tulips.  I thought they will be like the normal cup shape tulip.  It turns out to be very flowery petals.
They look more like a cross between PEONY and Poppy flower, don't they?
Very Interesting.
My African violets.
African pups.
Very interesting colors.
Peach flowers in my mother's garden.
I can't remember the name ... friscia?
I was in awe when I saw this Cactus flowered.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Will There Be a Lots of UME Growing This Year?

 Wow! All the new braches are flowering in February.
 Lots of bees are visiting. UME is going to grow for sure? 

Interestingly the truth showed up in March.  When all the flower petals withered, the fruit formed only on the original stalk, yet.  It must take a few more years before these new branches would grow UME.  Exciting to wait and see.