Friday, June 11, 2010



I did it! I finally got the DAIFUKU MOCHI the way I like.  I wanted to make this successfully for so long, and I ate three of them while I was taking the photos.  Even though I have involved in the Japanese New Year MOCHI-ZUKI experience in childhood and watched how to make fresh DAIFUKU MOCHI, I am not familiar with the functions of rice flour available in the market.  I've tried a few recipes, but did not understand the difference of SHIRATAMA-KO, JOSHINKO, and MOCHIKO.   Well, I know now.   To make this DAIFUKU MOCHI and keep it soft for hours--use SHIRATAMA-KO.  It is it!  Not MOCHIKO or the "glutinous rice flour" (Chinese brand), or the JOSHINKO.   The way the rice flour were processed make quite a difference in the result, just like cake flour, pastry flour, all purpose flour, bread flour, etc.  Check this website on the difference of SHIRATAMA-KO (glutinous rice flour) and JOSHINKO (rice flour). 'OBACHAN" explains well for me in her comment chat.  My recipe below is from the ABOUT.COM, and it has been modified.  I am a fan of MOCHI first and sweet filling 2nd.  I am a fan of dough than 'filling' of anything.  The filling can be as little as a tablespoon, and I am satisfied when the dough taste delicious.  Just like PONCHIK.  I love the bread part more than the cream filling.  I added 1 tablespoon of MATCHA in my DAIFUKU to counter balance the sweetness of the heavily sweetened AZUKI ANKO - Red Bean Paste.  I also like to use the whole red bean paste than the straight red bean paste.  This is just my preference.  You can always make your own red bean paste from scratch, but I don't think it's worth the time and effort.  (Try it and you will see what I mean.  And, let me know otherwise.)
Before you start, read the preparation instruction once.  You should remember the color and texture of the mixture when you started raw and know how it has changed when cooked in microwave and not to burn yourself.  As this MOCHI dough need to be handled quickly while it is still in "hot to warm" temp, the prep work items should be completed and readily available and set aside.  And be caution when handling "hot MOCHI" and never taste/eat "hot MOCHI" until it has cooled down to warm temp.

(Click on the picture to view larger image and comments.)

Referenced original recipe from:
Yield: (The orig recipe yields 12)
Prep Time: 2 hours
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 2 hours, 30 minutes

Tools:  small saucepan, whisk, Large spoon, measuring cups and spoons; heat proof/microwaveable bowl; large non-stick baking sheet with rim; plastic wrap; straight 12 inch 1" min dowel rolling pin (get from Asian market) or make one from hardware store-just make sure it is food safe; Plastic bowl scraper or strong plastic knife; 1" cookie scoop, if you have one; a 10" plate.

For Dough - 

1 C SHIRATAMA-KO (**glutinous rice flour, but not just "any" glutinous rice flour.)
1 Tb Vanilla Sugar Powder + 1/4 C minus 1 Tb sugar
1 Tb MATCHA (Green Tea Powder)
2/3 C water

For Filling - ANKO
1 Can - 16.75 oz (475 g)  Whole Red Bean Paste "TSUBUISHI ANKO" (or ANKO PASTE) 
The original recipe calls for: 2/3 cup water & 1 cup sugar & 1/2 cup dried ANKO powder, or 1 1/4 cup premade ANKO
1/2 C KATAKURIKO – Potato starch - (made in HOKAIDO, Japan) for dusting. *The original recipe calls for Potato Starch for dusting.

Prepare the non-stick sheet pan with rim - cover it with 1/2 C of KATAKURIKO.  Set aside.
ANKO PREP:  TSUBUSHI-AN with "whole" red beans.  Pay attention to the picture on the CAN because both have printed "Red Bean Paste" as description.
Transfer the ANKO into a bowl and stir it for 2 – 3 minutes to create 70% whole / 30% paste consistency or the way you like.
Use the 1" cookie scoop and form balls and place it on the plate.  Or use hand and roll into balls.  Set aside.
*I had more than I needed.  *suggestion: Freeze them in zip-lock bag for next use. or Double the dough recipe, which you will see at the end that - "Yes! This is a great idea."  Because it is so delicious.

DOUGH PREP:   You need to move quite quickly on the next few steps, especially when ready to microwave the dough mixture.  So, be sure that you understand beforehand the texture and color of the "cooked" MOCHI starch - translucent, tacky firm dough.
1.  Transfer 1 C SHIRATAMA-KO in a heat proof/microwaveable bowl.  Set aside.
2.  Sugar Mixture for the dough:  In a small sauce pan, add 2/3 C water, 1/4 C minus 1 Tb sugar mixture. 
If you don't have Vanilla Sugar Powder, don't worry about it.  Just use sugar.  Add 1 Tb of MATCHA. 
Do not bring to boil - and Heat mixtures over medium heat to melt sugar and incorporate MATCHA - approx 1-1/2 min.      
3.  Remove the sugar mixture from the heat.  Whisk until all MATCHA powder lumps have been incorporated.  Pour the sugar mixture into the SHIRATAMA-KO.  Use large spoon to mix to smooth. 
Notice the color - shiny tacky paste like goo.
4. Place the plastic wrap loosely over the dough bowl - leaving a 1 cm (1/2 inch) opening on one side.  Put the bowl in microwave on top of microwave heat proof tray or plate (as the bowl will be very hot).  Heat the dough for 1.20 min**
The original recipe calls for 2 min heating, but Adjust the heating time based on your microwave's power.
5.  Remove from microwave.  Using a large spoon, stir the dough quickly.   (Notice the change in color of the dough- from pasty to 'translucent'.) 
Dust hands with some KATAKURIKO
6.  Transfer the MOCHI onto the dusted sheet pan.
7.  Divide MOCHI into 12 pieces - I only had 9 pieces:  Quickly with hands, pat the dough into a manageable form so that you can use the strong plastic knife or plastic bowl scraper (plastic - only because you are using the non-stick baking sheet.  If not, use any sharp edge tool or hand.) and divide the MOCHI into 12 pieces.  Place them directly on top of KATAKURIKO and keep them covered with plastic wrap that is coated with KATAKURIKO also.  The MOCHI is hot and sticky, so be careful not to burn your hands.
8.  Form the MOCHI into round disc wrap - Use your hand to form the MOCHI into a Round wrap.  Or use the straight rolling pin and roll the dough out the same way to make Pan Fried Potsticker /GYOZA skins as illustrated in my previous blog. 
9.  Place a preformed round ANKO in the middle of the wrap and start folding the dough to enclose the ANKO.  The technique is pretty much the same as folding potsticker or BAO (Bun) - Use your free hand's thumb and side of the index finger to pinch close the wrap to enclose the ANKO. 
10.  Place the filled DAIFUKU on top of the palm of one hand with seam side down.  Enclose the DAIFUKU between the palms and gently give some rolling motion to form into better looking smoother bun.   Place the finished DAIFUKU on top of the KATAKURIKO covered sheet pan.  Complete the rest.
11.  Cut some plastic wrap into wrapping size.  Dab each DAIFUKU's top with KATAKURIKO.  Wrap close the DAIFUKU if not eaten right away.  Beautiful!

The original recipe yields 12 DAIFUKU, but mine came out 9 because I like mine with more MOCHI.

Meyer-Lemon Curd Cupcakes

While wondering what to make for the office lunch get together, I thought about the several options - puff pastry type dessert?  simple sheet cake? plated desserts? fruits? homemade flavor fused chocolate?... naaa... the cupcakes, it is.  Then, I thought about the regular cup cake size - may be too large after the quick hasty lunch... frosting is too sweet... can't please everyone, but I picked the Meyer Lemon Raspberry Cupcakes.  The recipe is from Martha Stewart's site -  This cupcake taste really good.  It stays moist even after a day.  Since I have to bake it a night before, this "Meyer Lemon Raspberry Cupcakes" recipe is perfect. 
I made half batch - yield 1 dozen - 24 mini-1" size cupcakes. (I chose my 1" non-stick mini-cupcake mold sheet.) and 8 regular size cupcakes.  I used Bo Friberg's recipe for Creamcheese filling instead of the Vanilla Bean Buttercream.  I am sure you have your own favorite creamcheese frosting recipe that will taste wonderful on top of these cupcakes. 

Flourless cake - Chocolate Souffle Cake

I finally had a chance to bake this wonderful Chocolate Souffle Cake that I learned in my class.
I wished I had some large block of gianduja chocolate to make the curled chocolate shavings to decorate the cake top, but . . . powder sugar decoration is just as good.  The Chocolate Souffle Cake is just wonderful - light and rich and without the flour.  The texture reminds me of the Japanese cotton-soft creamcheese cake.  I adjusted this recipe so that it's half the calories.  I used Truvia sugar in place of granulated sugar.    (Click on the picture to view notes.)

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Raspberry-Lemon-Jazz Torte

This my photo journal of homemade raspberry-lemon-jazz torte.
Prepare vanilla Genoise cake.
Prepare Lemon Curd and cream.
Prepare Chocolate Ganache.
Prepare simple syrup with raspberry liqueur.
Prepare cake pan.
Prepare the torte layers.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Mini-Banana Carrot Bread

In a hurry to make something that is tasty for breakfast, I decided to combine two ingredients in my best banana bread recipe that I have.  I also used the mini-loaf pan and mini-cup cake pan to make the bite-size.

As soon as the breads were baked through, each one is turned to its side to cool in the pan.
If you are interested in this recipe, please let me know.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Homemade Lactose Free and Low Sugar Ice-Cream

So, I finally got this ice-cream machine by Cuisinart at an affordable price.  It came with two freezing tubs, which is convenient.  (I wished it came with lids, too.)  Since my old fashion rock salt wood tub ice-cream machine was discarded few years back, I am ready to try the not so new tech.  I got tired of super sweetened ice-cream from the store and all these xanthan gum or however you spell it that is being put in to make the frozen dessert sticky rather than the old fashion scratch method.  And when it comes to lactose free ice cream, Raleys at my neighborhood is the only place that sale this Breyer's brand Vanilla Ice Cream Lactose Free.  So, this gave me the reason to buy the machine and try my own recipe.
My first home made 2010, Ice Cream is lactose free, less fat, and less sugar.  Fruit flavor - Mango and Strawberries.
The required freezer tubs were kept in freezer for two days to be sure that they are frozen solid.
Puree fruit(s): Mango   *Strained
Have Bain-Marie ready (to make custard Creme Anglaise method) to heat milk & egg mixture to thicken to required consistency.
Have wooden spoon and whisk, strainer, glass bowl, plastic wrap, 1 small and 1 medium sauce pans (for Bain-Marie), heat proof spatula ready.

Yield: 3 Cups
300 ml  low fat Lactose Free milk    
455 g fresh  whole ripe mangoes (about 1-1/2 medium)
60 ml  whole milk                              40 ml lime juice or lemon juice
120 ml heavy cream                           1 eggs
100 g granulated sugar                        42.5 g Truvia
1.  Scald milk and cream in a small saucepan.   Get Bain-Marie ready (large saucepan).
2.  Whip the egg and sugar & Truvia in a mixing bowl till well combined.
3.  Gradually add and whisk in half of the scalded milk in a stream to the egg mixture.   Mix well.
4.  Return all mixture into the sauce pan to mix with rest of the milk.  Place the saucepan on top of the Bain-Marie.  
5.  Stir with wooden spoon until the custard has thickened slightly (nappe stage) - when you run your finger-tip through the back of the wooden spoon, it should leave a clear strip.  Set aside to cool.
6.  Prepare mango puree.  Strain to remove 'fiber'.  Stir the mango puree and lime or lemon juice together; then mix with the "cooled custard".  
7.  Cover and place in the refrigerator until completely cold.
Read to make the ice-cream:
1.  Transfer the custard to the ice-cream freezer tub.  
2.  Process following the manufacturer's direction.  Store, covered, in the freezer.  

Wash 227 g of ripe strawberries - *Wash to remove as much of the seeds as possible.  Dry and cut into small pieces
15 g granulated sugar
42 g Truvia
Mix strawberry pieces and sugar together.
Cook over medium heat.  
Stirring from time to time until the mixture starts to thicken.
Set aside to cool, then refrigerate to chill completely.
Once the custard is chilled, pour theto custard into the ice-cream tub.  
Place the cover, power ON.  Pour the strawberry pieces in.
Let the machine do the work.  After 40 minutes, you have another delicious homemade ice-cream.  By-the-way, some recipes recommend adding red food color to give more vibrant red strawberry ice-cream.  I just added more crushed strawberry than the recipe asked for.  But this makes the ice-cream form 'crystal' and not so smooth due to more 'moisture' in the strawberry.  This is okay with me.  But you might want to try adding beet juice, for example.  But I think Pinkish looking strawberry ice-cream just fine.  In fact, I remember the first 'American' style ice-cream I ever tasted is made by "Foremost".  The strawberry ice-cream is our family's favorite, and it is light pink with just some threads of strawberries in it.